Here at Ultimate, we’re collaborating more closely with our clients than ever before. They know, just like we do, that now is the perfect time to inject their online presence with a brand new energy, broadcasting their products and services through fresh, timely and relevant content. Another successful project is always Good News for the Ultimate team, no matter where we are! Now, we’re sharing some of our Good News with you.
This month, Ultimate have been working closely with our client, Match My Motor, to prepare the launch campaign for their brand-new product! Match My Motor help their clients to find that dream car, so that they can then lease it through the Match My Motor digital platforms – simply with a few swipes.
Today, we all rely on apps more than we ever have before. From our calendars to our clocks, our fitness apps to our Facebook – industries everywhere are turning their attention to those convenient, neatly-packaged applications, which make complex tasks so simple. Why should car leasing be any different?
With Ultimate, Match My Motor are launching their all-new and long-awaited app, which has been carefully designed and built by our team. Much like a modern dating app, Match My Motor app finds your perfect partner – on four wheels! Anyone looking to lease a vehicle can simply swipe through the app, viewing the profiles of various car makes, models and brands, before selecting the deal they would like. Rev those engines – good deals don’t hang about for long…
The app is intuitive, engaging and distinctive – allowing you to compare makes, models, features and capacities side-by-side, allowing you to easily prioritise your must-haves (and get rid of your must-not’s!) Better get swiping…