
Bringing your unique story to life

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Our dedicated design team can help you with…

Brand Strategy

We will work with you to set clear, specific objectives for your brand or rebrand – this helps to determine key goals and measure the success for your new brand identity. Your comprehensive brand strategy will become the foundation and context for every strategic decision you and your team make around your company value proposition, core messaging and your overall marketing approach moving forward.


Whether you're launching a new business, new product, or renaming an existing company, our team can support you with a tough decision - what name to hang your hat on! We will make sure your company name has a story and is anchored back to clear rationale and logic, that flows through your positioning and marketing efforts.

Brand Positioning

Your brand positioning is all about your mission, vision, values and brand story. We will work with you to identify clear USPs, why you stand out from your competitors and what makes you relevant to your target audience. Ultimate will deliver a brand positioning strategy that is uniquely you, engaging your target audience and driving your customer to take action.

Marketing Messaging

Underpinning all of your marketing activity is your marketing message. From launching a new website to running a successful product campaign, you need a clear and well-executed message that brings you to life. We work with your team to really hone this messaging and help customers to understand what makes you different, telling your story in a way that is compelling and easy to digest.

Brand Identity

Once you have a clear Brand Positioning that your team and board have fully bought in to, it’s time to get creative. Our talented and passionate design team will immerse themselves in your brand, creating a new or evolved visual identity that could include logos, colour palettes, typography, brand idents, photography and video style, and any other elements that will become your brand’s personality.

Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines are essential when it comes to maintaining a strong, consistent and recognisable brand. They can be as specific and detailed as you need and we will work with you to develop guidelines that cover the areas most important to you and your team – whether that’s full guidelines or a top level style guide. Once in place, these can save you a lot of time and effort as you apply your brand – ensuring a level of consistency regardless of whether you’re designing in-house or with the support of a brand agency.

Branded Templates

We recognise that every company we work with will have a different level of internal design support available. We often work with internal teams who have limited creative experience but various tools available ranging from Canva through to Adobe Creative Suite, so we have developed our offering to cater to the various forms of style-setters or templates you may need to be able to roll out your brand.


Sometimes your brand just needs a refresh. Maybe you’ve expanded your product offering, or maybe you’ve been around for a while and feel that your branding has started to become dated. Ultimate has a tried and tested approach to ensure that the rebrand process is as painless as possible. We’ll work with you to identify how far you’re willing to go – whether there are elements you absolutely want to keep or whether we’re starting with a complete blank page. This process helps to ensure your key decision makers feel consulted and part of the end result, as well as ensuring your new brand identity remains targeted and relevant.

Employer Branding

Your employer brand is what attracts your most talented and loyal employees – why would someone choose to work for you? We’ve worked closely with some of the UK’s top employers to deliver meaningful and exciting employer brands and increase the quality of their talent pool. Whether you’re a B2B company looking to attract highly qualified employees or a B2C brand searching for the next welcoming face to run your restaurant, Ultimate can help create an employer brand that helps you thrive.


No ordinary branding agency

You’re remarkable. You need a remarkable branding agency. At Ultimate, we fuse creativity with clear-headed commercial judgement to develop brands which stand out from the crowd. We start by getting to know you, getting under the skin of your company and understanding what makes you different – what sets you apart? Our human-first approach puts your customer at the heart of everything we create together, defining and evolving your brand from positioning and identity through to launch and creative campaigns.

We’ve earned an enviable reputation among some of the UK’s leading B2B and B2C brands such as Carex, Chester Zoo, Darwin Escapes, Saffery Champness and The British Engineering Group. Whether you’re just starting up or going through a rebrand, we deliver unique and bespoke creative solutions that resonate with your target audience and bring your story to life.


A collaborative workshop where we gain valuable insights, build aagreement among stakeholders and establish clear brand direction. The workshop sets the creative approach and ensures that it meets your objectives and resonates with your target audience.


We carry out research to gather inspiration, trends and visual references that align with your brand goals and objectives. We always include competitor branding and industry trends but we also take into consideration the target audience’s preferences, lifestyles, and aspirations.


A range of visual assets that build into your brand identity: messaging and tone of voice, logo symbols, colour palettes, typography, imagery and graphics, and other design elements such as texture or patterns. Moodboards capture the desired tone of the brand, generating ideas and aesthetic for the new brand identity.

Creative Concept

Our design team translates the chosen creative route into tangible design assets, including logo, typography, colour palette, imagery, messaging and tone of voice. This is usually the most exciting part of the process!

Brand Guidelines

Brand guidelines are a comprehensive reference tool for ensuring that your new brand identity is rolled out consistently across different touching points and communication channels. We define logo usage, messaging, colour palette, typography, imagery and graphics.

Brand Rollout

We can then work with your team to roll out your new brand across key marketing assets - everything from print ads through to notebooks, pens, posters and social media. We'll make sure all key customer touchpoints are looking their best.


Once we’ve been on the exciting journey of creating your new brand, we can then support you with a full launch or relaunch. We can support you with the delivery of everything from social media campaign assets through to posters, OOH and everything in between. We can also work with you to design a creative launch campaign that will help you to make a splash and disrupt the market as your company is introduced or reintroduced to your target demographic.

Let’s talk about your brand